Providence Religious Movement
Providence Religious Movement (Christian Gospel Mission)
Among religious circles, especially in Christianity, the non-believing world is considered to be the “world” and the people that live in it as “worldly people.” In other words, the religious people call it the secular world and they are determined not to pursue the values of the secular world. Religions are charged with providing a deeper sense of value than the value system of the secular world. Despite that, a vast majority of religious people give off an air of being separate from the world they seek to save. In the mist of all these, the Christian Gospel Mission, also known as Providence, led by President Jung Myung Seok, is gaining attention by walking in line with the people through a much more active method of ministry involving cultural exchange activities, community service, and a variety of other activities.GOAL OF PROVIDENCE RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT
The goal of the Providence Religious Movement is to create the ideal world on the earth. More than simply going to heaven after death, we must create heaven on earth while we are still alive.Providence Religious Movement strives to bring to life the teachings of God that are written in the Bible through effort and hard work, in order to break free from the religious view which has become a prisoner to mythological interpretations. The founder, Jeong Myeong Seok, sees that the reason young people distance themselves from the church is because of the literal minded ministry methods of today’s Christianity. He points out that rather than teaching the words of God and Jesus, Christianity is much more focused on maintaining their organization. Our purpose is to break through these limitations and create churches in which the teachings of God and Jesus Christ are alive and well. Domestically, we have over 400 churches that have been established, and internationally, there are churches and 50 different nations with a total membership in the 200,000s. We are growing into a vibrant international organization.
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A providence member helping abandoned children at a home in Taiwan. |
The public service arm of the Providence Religious Movement was established through the desire of President Jeong Myeong Seok to practice the teachings of Jesus who cared for the sick and the poor and healed them through giving the word. We pursue programs that practice the love of Christ with the understanding that love is more powerful than anything else in the world.
We focus our activities on helping to nurture young people. Providing proper guidance to our young people is the key to guaranteeing the future of our society. Another axis of the philosophy of “Peace in the family” that Christian Gospel Mission advocates is the philosophy that arming the young people with a healthy mentality will enable them to create healthy families in their future.
Our public service efforts of providing for the needs of our neighbors are important for fortifying the attitude of social responsibility and instilling a sense of belonging to the society.
These public service activities are grounded in faith. Therefore, they teach people the mind of Christ who served freely. We believed that serving others with great dedication is valuable in itself. Each of our member churches run at least one public service program. It is an expression of our desire to bring about world peace.
Providence Religious Movement is involved in more than 50 community service programs including the aforementioned movement for family peace, campaigns aimed at creating a healthy society, activities for cleaning up the environment, youth guidance and cultural activities, children’s charities, restoration of facilities and equipment, blood drives, relief for victims of natural disasters, cost-free medical clinics, assistance for farmers, charities for the poor, assistance for the elderly and disenfranchised, international charities, sponsoring marathons, choir performances, etc. Each month, more than a thousand people are involved in such public service activities throughout the nation as well as numerous activities throughout the 50 member nations.
Even though the Providence Religious Movement is regarded by established denominations as a heretical religion / cult, when you examine the scriptures, you will find that in every time period the people of God were not welcomed. In fact, recounting that reminds us of a sad and painful history in which those sent by God were treated as heretics. This was the case for Jesus who came to this world as the Messiah. All of his disciples were also accused of heresy and were given no choice but to walk the path of martyrdom.In the eyes of the Jewish people who were the establishment at Jesus’s time, Jesus and his disciples were undoubtedly heretics. However, as followers of Jesus’s teachings , we can’t help but blame the unfortunate outcome on the ignorance of the Jewish religious leaders. The concept of heresy is extremely relative and always dynamic. We believe it should be left up to history to label anyone a heretic or not.
Yesterday’s heresies became today’s orthodoxies. In light of this simple and plain truth, we must reject the black and white notion that tradition is always right and heresy is always wrong.
If you search the scriptures, you will find that in 1 John 2:22, it is explained that anyone who denies the father and the son is the antichrist. President Jung and we, the members, worship Jesus Christ as much as anyone else. In essence, the people who serve God according to His will and put His will to practice are the the true people of God. We believe that President Jeong Myeong Seok is a true man of God who does his best to fulfill God’s will. All of us faithfully follow his teachings to do the same.
We hope that the public will come and see Providence religious movement for themselves, and experience the workings of God in this time period.